We hope this blog will keep our family and friends informed of Dan's Recovery. Thank you for your prayers and constant encouragement!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
We went back to Columbia yesterday for a Drs visit and things are looking good. They are monitoring things really closely and are pleased with the new bone growth in each place. It's really interesting to be able to see on xrays how God is healing Dan! Dr has decided to wait 3-4 months before doing the next surgery which didn't bother Dan at all! We are a little relieved to wait! This will give his leg quite a bit of time to heal before doing any more to it which we feel really good about. He is still showing the same signs of nerve damage in his foot so he will go for more testing on that to determine the extent of the damage and if there's anything they can do. We're still praying about it and asking for God's healing. His biggest battle right now seems to be in his thoughts. It seems like when he's tired and worn out from it all discouraging thoughts begin to fill his mind. It's easy to get weary in the battle for sure, so we just have to keep praying, binding those up and asking God to bring his thoughts captive. God is greater than what we may "feel" during those times and He continues to provide strength, endurance, and perserverance. He is back at work nearly every day and trying to get back to a somewhat normal routine. Thanksgiving was wonderful apart from 5 out of 7 of us getting the flu! Ugh! But, we didn't let it stop us from enjoying time with family and eating more than we should've! And so, we just are determined to keep on keeping on! God Bless each of you~
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Surgery went well. We got home late last night pretty worn out. I would have updated you sooner, but the laptop decided not to work again! I was about ready to chuck it out the 5th story window of the hospital let me tell ya! There was some good news and not so good news. The bone graft went well and they feel like it will be good. We weren't sure what to expect with the recovery of this but, it's been a little tougher than he thought. The donor site was his right hip and it's causing him quite a bit of pain. It also has to hold all of his weight because the left leg is still no weight bearing so it's making it very difficult for him to move and get around. He had gotten to where he was getting around pretty good so he doesn't like being down again. It shouldn't take too long to heal, though. They weren't able to fix his knee. The tissue in his thigh is attaching to the rod they put in and so it's causing his knee not to bend. They decided to wait to fix it because they worried if they did it now it might attach again so he will have to have surgery on that in about 6 wks or so. He was kinda frustrated about that, but it'll be ok. He has made a lot of progress and so we start to think he's almost out of the woods, but then we're reminded that it's just going to be a long process. They're not just dealing with one injury, there are multiple injuries. So we just have to take a deep breath and take it step at a time. He will get there, it will just take a while. We go back to Columbia in 2 wks for lots of xrays as they will monitor the healing of this very closely. In the meantime, we're gonna get ready for Thanksgiving and enjoy the fact that he's home and not in the hospital! I like to think that we're usually very mindful of the things were grateful for, but this season will be even more so. We're thankful for life, for time together, for God's healing, and for family and friends who have walked alongside us during this journey and helped carry the load when it seemed too big . I guess that's what it means when it says, "In all things, give thanks." Even in the midst of tragedy and hardships, there are so many things we have to be thankful for. We love you all ~
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
A New Update!
Hello, friends! You know the ole' saying when it rains, it pours. Well, that has definitely been the case with us! You name it and it's broke in our house in the last 2 months! Our computer was really messed up and we haven't been able to use it and Dan's laptop wouldn't work either! I've wanted to update you, just haven't been able to. Things are going good. KY3 came and did a story on him. I think most of you have seen it, but if not you can watch it at ky3.com. Dan is back at work this week for a few hours a day. He is REALLY glad to be back! He is so grateful to everyone who kept everything running so smoothly while he was out. We've got an amazing team at school! We are going back to Columbia on Sunday for his next surgery scheduled for Monday morning. They will be working on his knee this time and will do a bone graft on his lower leg. He's probably looking at one more still after this one, just not sure yet when. When we went last wk for his checkup, though, they are pleased with the xrays and said he's healing faster than what they expected. We knew that already, because God has been working in extraordinary ways! He is the Great Physician!! They told us that his foot will probably need a brace from here on out because the nerves were severed across the front of his leg just below the knee. We're just continuing to pray and ask God for complete healing and restoration of every bone, muscle, tendon, and nerve. He's hoping to be back to school full time after Thanksgiving. He's very driven and determined to do more each day. I'm so proud of him and I admire his courage. Thank you for continuing to pray for us! We hear from so many people who are praying and encouraging us! It's making ALL the difference!!!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Boy, I'm sorry I haven't posted anything for a while! Our internet was down and things have been so crazy we've hardly had time to breathe! For those of you who may not know yet, he's home! He was released on Thursday. We weren't expecting it until this week, but things were at a point where they decided he could go home. He'll have a Home Health nurse and 2 therapists who will come 3 days a week to continue things. We'll go back to Columbia next week for a checkup and schedule his next surgery. It's been kindof crazy getting into the groove of how we'll do everything here, but things are good. Two of his goals were to be able to get out of the hospital in time to see Landon and Joseph's last football game and watch Bethany play volleyball at OCC. His schedule prior to the accident had kept him from being able to be at one of her games so this was really important to him. He made the football game Thursday night and surprised the boys and then made it to Beth's game on Saturday to surprise her. Each of the kids were so emotional when they saw him there. It meant so much to them that he would work so hard to make it to be there with them! He's not even supposed to be going out anywhere yet, so that will be all of his running around for a while! A funny story was, when we were putting him to bed that night I told him I wasn't going to let him out for a while after going to the games and he laughed and began to tell me how he was the boss. I said, "No, you're not the boss right now. Later, but not now, and you're gonna stay home!" So Logan prayed that night that God would help dad get better so he could be the boss again! We all chuckled under our breath! It sure is a good feeling to have us all at home again! I'll continue to keep you posted on how things go. KY3 plans on doing a story on him this week I believe so I'll let you know on that, too. Thank you for your prayers, visits, calls, and all the encouragement. God is using all of it to keep us going and so we thank you!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Wow, he's checking off goals right and left! According to the therapists, he's already met most of the goals they had set for him. There are still a few medical things that need to be squared away, but things are really falling into place for him to be released soon. Then he'll be able to finish outpatient therapy at home. We worked with them this morning getting him in and out of the suburban. We were unsure how it would all go, but it went well! We had joked that if we couldn't get him into the car we would hook up a flatbed trailor and pull him around, but that won't be necessary. Lol It's so amazing to think that he's this close to being able to go home. Yet, I must admit, I'm nervous about taking him home. Things will definitely be different, that's for sure. While I'm typing this, "Our God" is playing on the computer... we've listened to this over and over and sought comfort in this truth.
Our God is greater,
Our God is stronger,
Our God is higher than any other,
Our God is Healer,
Awesome in power,
Our God,
Our God
Our God is greater,
Our God is stronger,
Our God is higher than any other,
Our God is Healer,
Awesome in power,
Our God,
Our God
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Today has been pretty good. It's nice because he's stringing several good days together! He's had lots of company and he's enjoying it. In one of his sessions today they hooked a muscle stem machine up to his foot and shin. It stimulates those muscles in his foot trying to "wake" them up, so to speak, so he can pull his foot up eventually. We just continue to pray and believe that God will fix it! It's great because whenever I bring the boys up to spend some time, Logan (our 4 yr old) prays for him about a half a dozen times while he's here. About every 20 min or so he tells everyone it's time to stop and pray for Dad! We know God's gonna complete all this stuff that's left because Logan's not lettin' up! He's definitely praying without ceasing and I love it!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Well, he's been here a week and I can't even tell you all the progress he's made! He took 260 steps total today with the walker. He's getting up and down so much better, too! To think where we are a month out from the accident is just incredible. God has moved in such huge ways and we give all the glory to him! It's beyond words! He is giving Dan strength and courage to press on and I love to watch it! They have given him a discharge date of Oct 28th, but he is hoping to beat that. They figured out right away that he is very goal oriented and so they know how to motivate him. They are also brainstorming to figure out what they can do to help his foot along. With him having 2 more months of no weight bearing on that leg, it's not good for his foot. Yesterday it was 10 degrees off of being at a 90 degree angle and today it was 1 degree better. It still doesn't want to pull up on it's own so we're asking everyone if they would to really pray about this with us. We are asking God to completely restore this ankle and foot to do what is was made to do. He needs to be able to use it fully when he begins to walk again and we believe God will do it. I'll be anxious to report the praise reports about it! Thank you for your continued prayers! God Bless ~
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Things have been going really good! Therapy is going well. He's walking more and more each day and getting around better in the wheelchair. He's enjoying all his visitors each day. It always encourages him. Yesterday, the OCC volleyball team came by before their game. The assistant coach brought her guitar and they sang a couple worship songs and then a few of them prayed over him. Ah, it was like we were having church! It ministered to us more than we could have imagined and was just what we needed. Today is Logan's 4th birthday so we came to Springfield for cake and presents with Dan. It was fun! This hospital is never the same after Logan is here! One week down and 2 more to go. I couldn't tell you how, but God is helping us do everything we need to do and be everywhere we need to be during this time. It's crazy. Somedays I wonder how it all gets done, but it does! It just keeps us relying on Him! Thank you for your prayers and for all the encouragement!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Ah, today has been a good day! He's feeling pretty good. (I say that in the context of what "pretty good" is these days :)) His pain is being managed much better and so he's feeling better. He had a full day of therapy and was able to do it all. He walked the whole length of the parallel bars which was huge! I've gotta tell ya, when they told him they were putting him on the parallel bars this morning, my first thought (not realizing what they were meaning) was I'm not sure he could do the parallel bars before the accident! Lol He walked using that intead of the walker and made it the whole way. He also moved his foot this morning during stretching!!! I can't even tell you how big this is. Day after day the Drs or therapists come in to check everything over and ask him to pull his foot up or pull his toes up. Each time he gets frustrated b/c his brain is telling it to, but it won't. We've prayed over this like crazy! Today they went through the same drill and I was like "AHHH!" There was movement! It was ever so slightly, but definite movement! God is doing big things, my friends! Every day he's getting stronger.
Ps 118:28-29 You are my God, and I will give you thanks; you are my God, and I will exalt you. Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good."
Ps 118:28-29 You are my God, and I will give you thanks; you are my God, and I will exalt you. Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good."
Friday, October 8, 2010
Well he had his first full day at rehab and boy was it a full day! The jumped into full swing at 7:15 this morning and had him up and at 'em. He'll have several therapy sessions one right after another until mid afternoon. each day. We know this is what it's going to take, though, to get him home soon. His hemoglobin was low again so he had to have a couple more units of blood today, but all in all things are pretty good. We are SO glad to be back down here! It's been good to be with the kids and have all of us together!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Headed to Springfield today with much caution! Drs weren't completely ready to let him go, but didn't want to miss the window of opportunity so we're leaving understanding that they will need to follow this very closely there. We know it will be good for his recovery and his spirits to get him there and the Drs believe that as well so we're ready to do it! Anxious to start this next phase of his recovery. It's one step closer to getting him home!!! Thank you so much for all your prayers!!!!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Bethany and Mom surprised us with a visit and spent the day! |
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Drs came in this morning and have put medicine in the chest tube like what they would do for a cardiac patient. This medicine is intended to break up and dissolve what's in there. The first word this morning was that he would need surgery again, but after an xray and some intense prayer they've decided to go this route. They will let this work today and then take another xray tomorrow morning to see how it is. They said usually it has to be repeated to work, but we're trusting God is going to take care of it in this first round. This is where I need you all to be in agreement with us and pray! They have made his arrangements and he's been accepted at Cox for Thursday. They don't take transfers on Friday or the weekend so if he requires more treatments with this lung he will have to wait until Monday. We need for God to take care of this and for the xray tomorrow morning to come out good so he'll be cleared for transfer on Thursday. Everything else is under control and now we're just waiting on this. Thank you so much!!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Well, we are learning every time we turn around not to get too excited about things because things change all the time. The Drs came in this morning and said things were looking good. Said they would begin to make arrangements for his stay in Springfield and look to have him there in a day or two. They began a series of xrays and Cat scans to see how everything looked anticipating the transfer and began removing some of the sutures, which he was not at all thrilled about. By the afternoon, another infection had popped up and more fluid was found in his right lung that required another tube being put in tonight to drain it. They'll look to see if they need to put antibiotics directly into his lung and this will give them access to that as well. All of this has to be gone before they'll release him so we wait again. Please be in prayer about these things so we can get him to Springfield soon. Also, if you would, please pray for Joseph. Got a call and he hurt his ankle at football practice and is at the ER with a great friend. God says He won't give us any more than what we're able to hold up under and I believe we're at our limit. He has been so faithful and continues to carry us through each thing that comes up. Met a wonderful lady tonight who lives up here and is a relative of some friends. She took me to her house where I got a hot shower and some delicious soup. I think it helped me mentally as much as it did physically. God continues to show up at just the right moment and let me know that he's still here and knows our every need. Thank you for your continued prayers and your encouragement. I'll keep you posted ~
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
Out of ICU!
Dan is out of ICU. Things are going good. He still has the infection, but things are continuing to improve. He had a successful PT session today. He's able to move from the bed to a chair by the bed with their assistance and a walker. Today he took a few baby steps in between. Each time he's hesitant that he's going to be able to do what they want him to because he's weak, but he does it. It's hard to see him like this. Dan's always been so strong and been able to do anything and everything and now it takes all his strength to reach a standing position and take a few steps. I watch this huge guy work so hard for every movement and step. He stays determined, though, and presses on. He misses everyone; the kids, being at home, and being at school. Thank you for your prayers ~
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
I just wanted to take a moment and let each of you know how grateful we are for your prayers. We believe prayer changes things and everyone's prayers have been essential to Dan's recovery. We have heard from so many people, some whom we've never even met who share that they're praying for Dan. I don't even know how to put into words to explain how God has sustained each of us during this time. God has given Dan a peace and a strength for every moment that passes all understanding. To watch him endure what he has and see God miraculously give him what he needs to make it through it has been incredible. Our kids and I have experienced God carrying us through these last 2 weeks when there were (and still are) times we didn't think we could stand any more. He has been so faithful and He is answering the prayers of His people who are interceeding for Dan and our family. Things happen sometimes that we don't understand, but we have to believe that God is true to His Word and will bring good out of this somehow. Our family, friends, and even strangers who heard about Dan, have been ministering to us in such incredible ways and we pray that you receive blessings 7 fold in return for what you've done for us. We pray that if you're reading this and don't have a relationship with Jesus Christ that this situation would be a testimony of an amazing and wonderful God we serve. Isaiah 41:10 says, "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." God Bless ~
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Today has been very productive. They took the chest tube out today. That has caused quite a bit of discomfort b/c of how the tube was in his back so everytime they had to roll or move him it put pressure on that spot. The Dr said, now this is the proper way to pull out the chest tube not what you did the other night! They also were able to take him off the ventilator today and his breathing has been good. Not near as rapid as it had been. He's been awake and very alert and is back to himself today. This morning they were slowing bringing him out of the sedation so they could do a test to see if he could have the vent out. The Resp Therapist said, "Now when the Dr comes in you need to show off for her so she will see that you're ready to go off the vent." The Dr walked in and said hello and there he laid, eyes closed and all, and he started swinging his wrist and snapping his fingers like you would to music. The therapist said, "He's showing off for you!" LOL We all cracked up! His spirits have been good today which has been so good to see after what went on the last 2 days. They got him up to the chair and then pivoted back to the bed and he did real well. The infection is still there and Dr said he's not out of the woods with it, but things are definitely going the right direction. After a discouraging setback, he's bouncing back! It's been a good day !
Monday, September 27, 2010
Talked with the Drs this morning and we're headed in the right direction. The plan they worked on through the night is working and his numbers are coming down. Whew! It's taken an army to get this guy lined out! I'm not kidding! (I probably shouldn't be surprised.) The ole' fart pulled his chest tube (the 2nd one) out in the night after about 2 hrs after the surgeon put it in, but they think it worked enough to be ok. Because of all that, he'll be "sleeping" the day today so they can keep this stuff working and get over this hump. :) It's all gonna be good, though. It just set him back a couple of days. I'm standing on the promise that NO weapon that forms against Dan is going to prosper; and all that rises up against him will have to bow at the name of JESUS!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
We've backed up a little. Dan has developed an infection in his colon and it's causing problems. One thing leads to another and before you know it, things can be out of control. They ran a series of ultrasounds and CT scans to determine the problem and now feel they know how to tackle it. They had to take him back now and put him on the vent again because his breathing is so labored. While in there they are working to drain his right lung again because it has more fluid in it. He has really been through it yesterday and today. I almost didn't post anything tonight, because I don't want it to be negative. Dan just really needs us to continue to pray and not let up. He's in a fight for his life and we can stand in the gap for him. We need for these things to get lined out so he can keep moving forward. I know that God is still in the miracle business and nothing is too difficult for Him!
Things aren't going very well this morning. He's having some complications and so they are doing some more blood work, an ultrasound and a CT scan on his chest and stomach to see if there is some internal damage that is just now showing up. He's very disoriented today and it's different than how it's been with the medication. I can tell it's something else going on. My phone broke so if I don't respond to a call or text that's why. I'm trying to figure out how to get this little one to work w/o all my info in it! I'll keep you posted ~
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Sigh ... He's back in ICU. He began having some complications last night and this morning so the Drs decided it was necessary to move him back to ICU. I'm not gonna lie, it was a little disheartening, but, they are able monitor him more closely there. They spent the day working on getting things lined out. They remind us regularly that he's still at risk for things and we can have setbacks. Just have to stay focused and keep pushing forward. Our goal is to get him stronger and be able to finish his treatment and rehab back in Springfield closer to home. I made a fast trip home today to spend some time with the kids and get some things situated. Gosh, I miss them terribly. They've never been away from us for half this length of time so it's hard for all of us. There's no way around it. It really stinks. Logan said , "I just need to keep hugging you!" I have to know, though, that we will be stronger and it will bring us closer than we already are. Scripture says we will be hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. This is by far the toughest thing we've walked through, but we know God is faithful and true to His Word ... so we stand. I can't even begin to thank all the people who have helped us and prayed for us. We're hearing from people from all over the place. I pray you receive blessings beyond measure, shaken together, pressed down, and overflowing!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Hello! Not too much to report today. He's doing good. He was up again today and was able to stand with the walker and pivot to a special chair. He didn't think he would be able to last very long, but he did. He was completely worn out afterwards and has been asleep ever since. We are beginning to notice some problems with his foot so please pray for that. It wants to just fall down and he's not able to flex it or his toes forward at all. They are on it, though, and looking to see what's going on, if there's some nerve damage or something that's causing that. Just taking things one day at a time and looking for small victories everywhere we can! Thank you for praying!!!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
WE ARE OUT OF ICU! Started off the day today thinking it would probably be another day or so before they moved him out of ICU, but late this afternoon he was doing good and was able to move to the floor. We have had to correct what the nurses are doing this shift a few times so we've got to stay on top of our game! Ah! Besides that, it's good to know that he's improving and getting stronger. He still is at high risk for a few things and they are being very up front about that, but his progress is good and he's getting stronger each day. The other big thing today was that the PTs worked with him to get him to sit on the side of the bed and then he stood with a walker for about 30 sec. It was really good! He can't have any weight on his left leg (it will be that way for a min of 3 months) so it's a challenge to hold his weight up with his upper body because he's so weak. Yesterday was the first day he was able to use his arms for anything because they've been so sore and stiff from the impact. He did it though and each day he'll get stronger. God Bless ~
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Today has been a good day! He has been in good spirits today and we even had a moment when the nurse was in the room that got the 3 of us tickled. lol It's been a week since we've been able to laugh at anything and it felt good. They came in to begin to get him up and he was able to sit on the side of the bed for a minute. That was all he was able to do today, but it was still encouraging. We'll try again tomorrow, and I know Dan, and he will push it beyond that. He has good circulation in his foot which is so encouraging when you consider the damage that's been done to his leg. We are very excited about it showing good blood supply and circulation moving through all of it. His chest is causing the most discomfort off all, even above the leg. Originally, we were told broken ribs on just the left side, but found out yesterday that they are all broken on right as well, it's just the left was so much worse that it required the plates being put in. So as you can imagine, every breath hurts. He is doing good, though, and I'm so proud of how he's handling it all. He's cracked a joke with the nurse a time or two and that's the Dan we know! Hoping to move out of ICU in the next couple days as long as we keep seeing improvment. Thank you to all who care about how he's doing. I continue to share it with him when he wakes and it's encouraging to him. I'll keep you posted ~
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Praise Reports! Kaden, our 7 yr old, has had a lot of fear about the accident and struggles to be away from Dan and I. Yesterday morning he wasn't able to go to school because he was so upset. A dear friend let him spend the day with her and then our precious pastor spent time with him talking through things and helping him cope. I just called on people to pray and I was praying w/o ceasing for this. Got a call this morning and talked w/ his teacher and he's doing much, much better. There's a big difference. Also, got a call yesterday that Landon was hurt and needed to go the chiropractor. Went to prayer again. Not only do we have an amazing Principal, but an awesome Dr who both saw to it that he was taken care of and is doing much better. It's hard being so far away from them and I'm so grateful for those who are stepping in for me while I can't be there.
Last night was a sleepless night for Dan. Unfortunately, he remembers every detail of the accident and was having dreams about it. They let me come in for a couple hrs to be with him so I just began to sing and pray over him. God's presence began to fill this dark room as we began to praise Him. Everytime I turn around and think it seems more overwhelming that what we can endure, there He is reminding me we are not alone. He is walking and carrying us through this and I know our family will be able to testify of God's mercy and grace and healing.
Last night was a sleepless night for Dan. Unfortunately, he remembers every detail of the accident and was having dreams about it. They let me come in for a couple hrs to be with him so I just began to sing and pray over him. God's presence began to fill this dark room as we began to praise Him. Everytime I turn around and think it seems more overwhelming that what we can endure, there He is reminding me we are not alone. He is walking and carrying us through this and I know our family will be able to testify of God's mercy and grace and healing.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Dan had his 3rd surgery today, and this one was to repair his thigh and to remove quite a bit of fluid that was in his lungs. The Drs are very pleased with the success of the surgeries thus far and are optimistic. He remains in ICU. As insurmountable as all of this has seemed, we count our blessings because there are 2 patients here that were also in vehicle accidents and they are suffering brain damage along with other trauma. We are trusting in God and relying on Him to meet each need. Our hearts are heavy tonight when we learned the news of an Aurora family suffering a great loss today. We are praying for them as well and our community tonight.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
They told us Dan would have good days and not so good days. Today has been a not so good day. Today he was in quite a bit of pain. They adjusted his meds and it helped make him more comfortable though. He's been amazing through it all and has handled it all quite well. We are so thankful for all that God is doing and we're trusting that He's going to work all this out for good. He is scheduled for surgery tomorrow morning at 7:00. We thank you so much for your prayers.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Today was a good day. They were able to take Dan off the ventilator and remove the neck brace. This was a big step because it allows him to communicate with us about what he needs. There has been so much progress in the last 24 hrs and I know it's because of prayer!
In this you greatly rejoice, though for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith - of greater worth than gold - may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. 1 Peter 1:5-7
In this you greatly rejoice, though for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith - of greater worth than gold - may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. 1 Peter 1:5-7
Saturday Morning
Just a quick update... Dan is doing very well. Surgery yesterday went very well. They were able to do the 1st of 2 surgeries to repair his knee and lower leg, redo the pins and rods in his femur, and put the plates in his chest to repair several broken ribs.
The surgery to repair his femur will take place early next week. He remains in ICU and remains completely sedated to keep him comfortable. They were very pleased to be able to accomplish as much as they did yesterday and now we'll just take it little bit at a time with the surgeries to follow.
Words cannot express how grateful we are for your constant prayers, your generosity, and all the help so many people have shown. Please continue to pray against any infection, etc and just continued healing. He's got a really long road ahead of him, but God is doing incredibly more than we could even ask of Him. Thank You!
The surgery to repair his femur will take place early next week. He remains in ICU and remains completely sedated to keep him comfortable. They were very pleased to be able to accomplish as much as they did yesterday and now we'll just take it little bit at a time with the surgeries to follow.
Words cannot express how grateful we are for your constant prayers, your generosity, and all the help so many people have shown. Please continue to pray against any infection, etc and just continued healing. He's got a really long road ahead of him, but God is doing incredibly more than we could even ask of Him. Thank You!
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