Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Praise Reports!  Kaden, our 7 yr old,  has had a lot of fear about the accident and struggles to be away from Dan and I.  Yesterday morning he wasn't able to go to school because he was so upset.  A dear friend let him spend the day with her and then our precious pastor spent time with him talking through things and helping him cope.  I just called on people to pray and I was praying w/o ceasing for this.  Got a call this morning and talked w/ his teacher and he's doing much, much better.  There's a big difference.  Also, got a call yesterday that Landon was hurt and needed to go the chiropractor.  Went to prayer again.  Not only do we have an amazing Principal, but an awesome Dr who both saw to it that he was taken care of and is doing much better.  It's hard being so far away from them and I'm so grateful for those who are stepping in for me while I can't be there.

Last night was a sleepless night for Dan.  Unfortunately, he remembers every detail of the accident and was having dreams about it.  They let me come in for a couple hrs to be with him so I just began to sing and pray over him.  God's presence began to fill this dark room as we began to praise Him.  Everytime I turn around and think it seems more overwhelming that what we can endure, there He is reminding me we are not alone.  He is walking and carrying us through this and I know our family will be able to testify of God's mercy and grace and healing.


  1. Jenni, What an encouragement to know that God is right there with you both and also with your kids at home. We have not stopped praying for God to do His work in your lives. Love you, Pam

  2. Jenni,

    Our church in the past put on a week long camp for foster kids. There was a simple song we taught them about God.

    Day by Day
    I'm learning to love you
    Day by Day
    I'm learning to serve you

    You take my hand
    You never walk away
    As you change my heart
    Day by day

    It always brings me comfort in times of struggle that just the faith of a small child is all God asks of us. I hope it will bring you a bit of God's hope too.

    Praying for you and your family.
