Sunday, October 10, 2010

Ah, today has been a good day!  He's feeling pretty good.  (I say that in the context of what "pretty good" is these days :))  His pain is being managed much better and so he's feeling better.  He had a full day of therapy and was able to do it all.  He walked the whole length of the parallel bars which was huge!  I've gotta tell ya, when they told him they were putting him on the parallel bars this morning, my first thought (not realizing what they were meaning) was I'm not sure he could do the parallel bars before the accident!  Lol  He walked using that intead of the walker and made it the whole way.  He also moved his foot this morning during stretching!!!  I can't even tell you how big this is.  Day after day the Drs or therapists come in to check everything over and ask him to pull his foot up or pull his toes up.  Each time he gets frustrated b/c his brain is telling it to, but it won't.  We've prayed over this like crazy!  Today they went through the same drill and I was like "AHHH!"  There was movement!  It was ever so slightly, but definite movement!  God is doing big things, my friends!  Every day he's getting stronger. 

Ps 118:28-29 You are my God, and I will give you thanks; you are my God, and I will exalt you.  Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good." 


  1. Awesome news Jenni!!! Tell him to keep up the good work!!! Praying for you all!!!

  2. Hi Dan and Jenni, This is all good news. Bless all of your hearts. October has been one for the record books, right! Sounds like there's some cautious optimism. And, then, there sounds like some "Houn' dawg" good news about Dan's progress. Baby steps are good, very good. Take care and as always you are all in our prayers. Jan V

  3. Wow, had skipped a few days of checking this blog. This is very good news! The picture of you all was so nice. I'm so glad you're closer to your home and the kids. Praise the Lord!! Jenni, every time we sing the song, "Mighty to Save", I think of you. The part that makes me think of you guys the most is when it says, "Savior, He can move the mountains..." He is definitely moving mountains these few weeks.

  4. So good to see the picture of the whole family together, everyone with beautiful smiles! It's also good to see your suburban back home in your driveway when we head in or out of our subdivision!
    S and M Parker family
