Friday, October 8, 2010

Well he had his first full day at rehab and boy was it a full day!  The jumped into full swing at 7:15 this morning and had him up and at 'em.  He'll have several therapy sessions one right after another until mid afternoon. each day.  We know this is what it's going to take, though, to get him home soon.  His hemoglobin was low again so he had to have a couple more units of blood today, but all in all things are pretty good.  We are SO glad to be back down here!  It's been good to be with the kids and have all of us together!


  1. You look Great Dan!!! Hope to see you soon! What a great pic of you and the family. The office is still in one piece and you have nothing to worry about! Love ya big guy and you just hang in there. Sounds like you are on the road to a great recovery..Later gater

  2. Great picture of the family! The kids have grown since your days at Liberal. So happy to hear you are in Springfield. Thoughts and prayers continue. Dan you look great and keep up the good work. By the way I'm retired now!!!

  3. Dan you look awesome!! You have beautiful family!! So glad you are in Springfield closer to family & friends

  4. Dan - our class has missed you! The good news is several of us are completely done! Woohoo! Get well soon! Amber Gallemore

  5. Good to see you all together, and Mr. President has a great big smile!! As do the kids, I'm sure they were all thrilled to get to see dad and Jenni it's great that you are all getting to be together!! We will continue praying, and tell Mr. President, we miss him very much!!! If you need anything, just let us know! The Jenkins'
