Thursday, October 14, 2010

Well, he's been here a week and I can't even tell you all the progress he's made!  He took 260 steps total today with the walker.  He's getting up and down so much better, too!  To think where we are a month out from the accident is just incredible.  God has moved in such huge ways and we give all the glory to him!  It's beyond words!  He is giving Dan strength and courage to press on and I love to watch it!  They have given him a discharge date of Oct 28th, but he is hoping to beat that.  They figured out right away that he is very goal oriented and so they know how to motivate him.  They are also brainstorming to figure out what they can do to help his foot along.  With him having 2 more months of no weight bearing on that leg, it's not good for his foot.  Yesterday it was 10 degrees off of being at a 90 degree angle and today it was 1 degree better.  It still doesn't want to pull up on it's own so we're asking everyone if they would to really pray about this with us.  We are asking God to completely restore this ankle and foot to do what is was made to do.  He needs to be able to use it fully when he begins to walk again and we believe God will do it.  I'll be anxious to report the praise reports about it!  Thank you for your continued prayers!  God Bless ~

1 comment:

  1. John Paul had a great visit with Coach last night and he was very impressed at how good he's getting along. He was also impressed at how fast he scarfed down Andy's ice cream. LOL!!! Praying for you each and every day. Let us know if we can do ANYTHING!!!
