Sunday, September 26, 2010

We've backed up a little.  Dan has developed an infection in his colon and it's causing problems.  One thing leads to another and before you know it, things can be out of control.  They ran a series of ultrasounds and CT scans to determine the problem and now feel they know how to tackle it.  They had to take him back now and put him on the vent again because his breathing is so labored.  While in there they are working to drain his right lung again because it has more fluid in it.  He has really been through it yesterday and today.  I almost didn't post anything tonight, because I don't want it to be negative.  Dan just really needs us to continue to pray and not let up.  He's in a fight for his life and we can stand in the gap for him.  We need for these things to get lined out so he can keep moving forward.  I know that God is still in the miracle business and nothing is too difficult for Him!   


  1. God doesn't you more than you can handle,trust in him - we will keep positive thoughts coming your way and continue to pray. I'll go over one afternoon and share some hugs with Logan and hold him a while for you. Anything else, just let me know. Love you guys:)

  2. Jenni, we won't let up and we will continue to keep Dan in our prayers. God is faithful and still performs miracles! We pray for healing for Dan's body, strength and comfort for you, and we pray for Bethany, Landon, Joseph, Kaden, and Logan that God will give them peace as they are missing you. May God bring you all back together real soon. Love to you all.
