Sunday, September 26, 2010

Things aren't going very well this morning.  He's having some complications and so they are doing some more blood work, an ultrasound and a CT scan on his chest and stomach to see if there is some internal damage that is just now showing up.  He's very disoriented today and it's different than how it's been with the medication.  I can tell it's something else going on.  My phone broke so if I don't respond to a call or text that's why.    I'm trying to figure out how to get this little one to work w/o all my info in it!  I'll keep you posted ~


  1. Still praying. Still sending good thoughts your way. The victories are still there and we are all cherishing time spent with family and friends because you all seem to have such a solid handle on what life is all about. Thank you for letting us love you and pray for you. It is a continued blessing in our lives.

  2. Still praying will ask God to especially take the knowledge he has given the doctors to quickly find what is causing this set back, so Dan can move forward in the healing of his body. Ran into Bethany at Hogwild (what an amazing daughter you have) Not knowing this news just felt the need to hug and hold on to her just a few extra seconds and tell her how amazing she is. Thank you for keeping us updated and we can ask God for specific healing for Dan. Jenni thinking and praying for you and that you are able to rest and that you can feel God all around you.

  3. I am so sorry to hear the news....My family and I are thinking and praying for you all. Remember, that he is a very strong man in faith and physically. We love you guys very much and you keep being strong Jenni - you are amazing as well.

  4. Still praying for you all. Wish I could somehow wrap up all of your hugs and transfer them to your kiddos . . . Hang in there, guys. We are praying and love you all!

  5. Jenni, We are praying for you, Dan, and the kids. We love you very much,

    Rene' Spencer
