Saturday, May 14, 2011

Well, from Dan's surgery last night we found out that this is a different infection than what we were already dealing with.  The bone graft that was done in January didn't take and held some of the infection so they removed it.  They cleaned everything really well and put a concentrated antibiotic cement in there to help fight this infection.  They feel optimistic about the infection not reaching the bone or plates.  We've really prayed protection over this!  The cement will stay in 1-2 wks and then they'll redo the bone graft.  This wasn't news we were expecting yesterday and it will require a couple more surgeries, but we know God is still in control and we continue to trust in Him.  It will all be ok.  We serve a good God and He is faithful!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Thank you to EVERYONE who has been praying for Dan.  Today has been a tough day.  He is back in the hospital because he's developed another infection in his leg.  This is the second one in 2 weeks.  It will be a couple of days before we know from cultures if it's the same thing as the other or if it's something different.  They did surgery this morning to open up a large incision site, irrigate it, and clean everything.  They will do it again on Friday.  This helps the antibiotics he's already on for the staph infection to work better.  They will monitor it closely for the next few days to see how it behaves.  The biggest concern is whether the infection has gotten into the bone or plates.  Normally, they would just go in and remove all the hardware, but that's not an option for Dan because his leg was too damaged and in too many pieces for the hardware to ever be able to come out.  I can't tell you how critical this is and how desperately we need God to move and remove any and all infection in Dan's body.  I'd be lying if I said today wasn't really tough.  We are battle weary, but we kept telling each other we have to stand on what we know, not on what we feel.  Our feelings struggle at times and so we stand on truth that says we've been given authority over ALL sickness and disease and NO weapon that forms against Dan will prosper.  We have to walk by faith, not by sight.  I can't even tell you what your prayers mean to us and the difference they're making.  Thank you so much.  God Bless~