Wow, here we are approaching the 1 year anniversary of Dan's accident. We have really been in a reflective and somewhat emotional mindset the last week as we approach Sept 15th. You never know what a year can bring. A year ago this time, we could have never imagined how different our lives would be. A lot about our life is the same of course. Responsibilities, the demands and chaos that come with a family of 7, etc. But, so much is different. The obvious is the physical part for Dan. Each day he's getting stronger, but still has some work to do. The other day in frustration he said, "My mind still tells me I can do whatever I see before me. My body just doesn't quite agree and quits on me quickly." Well, I began to cry and then he said, "Jen, I like who I am so much more now than who I was before the accident. So I walk with a limp and can't do everything I did before, I like my outlook on life better, my appreciation of things better, and my faith is deeper than it's ever been." So many things in that aspect have changed for us. We've seen our faith strengthen and deepen in us and our children, we've learned to have more of an appreciation for one another, we've learned to not sweat the small stuff (and so much in life is the "small stuff"!), we've learned more to rely on one another and carry the load for each other, learned humor helps tremendously in the midst of pain (it's either laugh or cry... sometimes both lol), we've learned how it is to be on the receiving end of a blessing and that our family and friends are more amazing than what we already knew. We've felt the prayers, kindness, and generosity of a family, a school, a community, and so many strangers that we'll never meet. You changed and impacted our lives more than you'll ever know and we've prayed countless times for each person who reached out to us to reap a harvest for what they sowed into our lives. We're called to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those around us and that is EXACTLY what you were to us! God has so much more in store and we know that's why Dan is still with us. We've always tried to live our lives and raise our family like that, but we are more determined than ever to make a difference everywhere we can. We've seen the hand of God at every turn in this last year and we will share this journey and the goodness of our God as He gives us opportunity! We know that what the enemy meant to bring harm, God will turn and use it for good.
As we look back at what has been the toughest and most challenging year we've ever been through, I can say beyond any doubt we are stronger, closer, more aware of what matters, and certain that whatever comes we will come through because of our God. "Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Phil 3:14 Whatever comes, and we all know stuff comes, I encourage you to keep pressing onward!
Love and blessings~
The Deckers